Sweet And Spicy Horseradish Mustard Dip
GoodRVfood Snacks
All of our recipes are specifically written for preparation in the small galley kitchens found in recreational vehicles (RV) including motor homes, 5th wheels, trailers, and boats. We are continually looking for new and exciting ways to prepare food that tastes good and is good for you without requiring too many accessories and without leaving a huge mess to clean up. This is where you can help. Please tell us about your favorite recipe that can be prepared in a small kitchen.
Some recipes use additional cooking equipment which is noted above the ingredients on the recipe itself.
Quick and simple things to quiet hunger between meals.
- 1-2-3 Dip - by Bev Wasson.
- Amish Peanut Butter - by Cathy Lea.
- Avocado Cucumber Summer Salsa - by Cathy Lea.
- Boiled Shrimp - by Denise Gilgen.
- Buffalo Chicken Dip - by Cathy Lea.
- Buffalo Wing Dip - by Cathy Lea.
- Candied Taos Nuts - by Donna Ferguson.
- Chicken Dippers - by James Rose.
- Chile Con Carne Dip - by Cathy Lea.
- Chipotle Spread and Dip - by Cathy Lea.
- Cran-Apple Christmas Chocolate Nut Crunch - by Cathy Lea.
- Dayton Dip - by Steve Fishwick.
- Deviled Egg Salad Spread - by Cathy Lea.
- Dog Food Dip - by Cathy Lea.
- Fry Sauce - by Cathy Lea.
- Green Chile Blue Cheese Dip - by Cathy Lea.
- Honey Milk Balls - by Nancy.
- Hot Air Cheese Popcorn - by Ed Campanella.
- Hot Salsa Dip - by Candace Rapf.
- Instant German Chocolate Cake Bites - by James Rose.
- Jezebel Cheese - by Betty K.
- Native Frito Pie - by Cathy Lea.
- Olive Tapenade - by Karen Gomez.
- Oregon Shrimp Dip - by Cathy Lea.
- Palmitos - by Rose and Rognar Doerwald.
- Party Queso Dip - by Cathy Lea.
- Pinto Bean Spread - by Cathy Lea.
- Poorboy Mushroom Drops - by James Rose.
- Potato with Chili - by Bill and Susannah Sewart.
- Quesadillas - by Sue Baker.
- Road Side Cashew Nuts - by Mr. Rashid Keki Mukadam.
- Salsa Dip - by Cathy Lea.
- Salsa Verde with Avocado - by Cathy Lea.
- Smoked Salmon Spread - by Cathy Lea.
- Spicy Creamy Chicken Dip - by Chelle.
- Sweet And Spicy Horseradish Mustard Dip - by Cathy Lea.
- Sweet Mustard Pretzel Dip - by Cathy Lea.
- Tortilla Roll Ups - by Cathy Lea.
- Unbaked Brownies - by Lisa L.
- Wasabi Soy Dip - by Kathi Becker.
- Whoopie Cookies - by Betty K.
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