Sloppy Jose
GoodRVfood Sandwiches
All of our recipes are specifically written for preparation in the small galley kitchens found in recreational vehicles (RV) including motor homes, 5th wheels, trailers, and boats. We are continually looking for new and exciting ways to prepare food that tastes good and is good for you without requiring too many accessories and without leaving a huge mess to clean up. This is where you can help. Please tell us about your favorite recipe that can be prepared in a small kitchen.
Some recipes use additional cooking equipment which is noted above the ingredients on the recipe itself.
Handy foods you can eat on the go.
- Barbecue Beef Sub - by Williamsburg Rally Attendees.
- Cathy's Ham And Cheese Sammy - by Cathy Lea.
- Chile Relleno Cheese Burger - by Cathy Lea.
- Easy Chicken Salad Sandwiches - by Williamsburg Rally Attendees.
- Grilled Pastrami Sandwich - by Cathy Lea.
- Hawaiian Chicken Salad - by Roadtrek Chapter Member.
- Maine Italian Sandwich - by Kate.
- Mediterranean Tuna Salad Sandwiches - by Williamsburg Rally Attendees.
- Open Faced Roast Beef-Bacon-Blue Cheese Sandwich - by Kate.
- Pannini - by Jean Dube.
- Pressed Tuna Nicoise Sandwich - by Kate.
- Pulled Pork Pronto - by Betty.
- Runza Wraps - by Cathy Lea.
- Sausage, Onion and Green Pepper Sandwich - by Williamsburg Rally Attendees.
- Sloppy Jose - by Cathy Lea.
- Spicy Pressed Italian Cold Cut Sandwich - by Kate.
- Tuna Salad and Pita Bread - by Williamsburg Rally Attendees.
- Turkey and Apple Melts - by Cathy Lea.
Our New Recipe eBook Is Here!
Do you want all of these great recipes and hints but don't have access to the Internet when you travel? The official GoodRVfood Cookbook has it all in one easy to use linked PDF. You are even encouraged to share this free cookbook with your friends and neighbors!
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