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Cooking good food in your home away from home!

Location: GoodRVfood > License

GoodRVfood License

GoodRVfood is a labor of love. We are here to help people cook good food in small kitchens like those most commonly found in recreational vehicles (RV). We do not seek dues, memberships, or monetary donations. We do not use advertising nor sponsors. Instead we do everything we can to collect voluntarily donated recipes, hints and tips with our own recipes, hints and tips to help others cook better food.

We do our best to provide easy access to our hints, recipes and photos and encourage sharing of our information in whatever form is most useful for our target audience; RV cooks. Unfortunately this requires a license agreement to protect both us and the RV cooks we built this web site to help. The following is our best shot at a license that works for everyone we want to help.

Creative Commons BY-NC-SA image

Our Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted all content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike International license. This license is used many places around the world but is explained from our point of view below. If you are interested in the legal details you can view the short and easy to understand Creative Commons License Deed or the full Creative Commons Legal Code on the Creative Commons web site. This is a well known and very carefully thought out license that works to protect your rights everywhere world wide.

What does a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license do for you?

The short answer is you get a whole lot of stuff you can use!

  • Do you publish a Recreational Vehicle newsletter needing good recipes and small kitchen hints?
  • Do you have a Recreational Vehicle related blog or web site needing easy and proven recipes?
  • Do you have blank spots in your RV related publication? Would a good RV friendly recipe or hint help?

If you answered YES to any of these you are in luck! All of the GoodRVfood Hints and Recipes including our photos can be used in your own publication at no cost to you under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.

What is this BY-NC-SA stuff all about?

  1. BY = Attribution - Credit where it is due. All we ask is to mention our name or link to our site. We feel this is a fair thing to ask.
  2. NC = Non-Commercial - We get our recipes and hints for free. We pass them on to you at no cost. We feel it is good for you to pay it forward too.
  3. SA = Share Alike - Sharing is good. Whatever you do with our recipes, hints and pictures make sure to give others the same access to them you received here.

Do you think this is a fair trade for good RV friendly recipes and hints? We think so. Have you seen our free PDF cookbook?

Our New Recipe eBook Is Here!

GoodRVfood Cookbook

Do you want all of these great recipes and hints but don't have access to the Internet when you travel? The official GoodRVfood Cookbook has it all in one easy to use linked PDF. You are even encouraged to share this free cookbook with your friends and neighbors!

Get your FREE cookbook Send A Recipe Send A Hint

Hurry! Send your recipes, hints and tips today to get your name in our next cookbook.

