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GoodRVfood Recipes with Photos

A picture can be worth a thousand words. We are working to take high quality pictures of our recipes so you can not only read about the recipe but clearly see it. Please be patient with us as we work to take more pictures. You can help by preparing a recipe, taking a picture of it and sending us the link. The food photography tips we use are shown below.

All of our recipes are specifically written for preparation in the small galley kitchens found in recreational vehicles (RV) including motor homes, 5th wheels, trailers, and boats. We are continually looking for new and exciting ways to prepare food that tastes good and is good for you without requiring too many accessories and without leaving a huge mess to clean up. This is where you can help. Please tell us about your favorite recipe that can be prepared in a small kitchen.

Some recipes use additional cooking equipment which is noted above the ingredients on the recipe itself.

Delicious Good RV Food

Our New Recipe eBook Is Here!

GoodRVfood Cookbook

Do you want all of these great recipes and hints but don't have access to the Internet when you travel? The official GoodRVfood Cookbook has it all in one easy to use linked PDF. You are even encouraged to share this free cookbook with your friends and neighbors!

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Our Food Photography Tips

We are new to the world of food photography with a lot yet to learn, but so far we have managed to pick up some useful pointers that help make our food pictures look a little more attractive. The following tips are given to help you take better food pictures too. Please send us some of your food pictures.

  1. Good Lighting - Try to have the primary light source come from the side or slightly from the rear of the dish. Use a reflector, white t-shirt or less bright secondary light source to soften but not wash out harsh shadows. A flash mounted to the top of the camera is often the least flattering light for food.
  2. Good Focus - Even though it may seem counter intuitive, try taking several steps back from your food and use the zoom feature on your camera to get a close up picture focusing on the food. Often this can give better results than the macro feature especially with hot foods that may fog up the lens if it gets too close. Some of our best close up shots were taken more than 6 feet away from the food.
  3. Solid Foundation - Use a tripod, table, shelf or some other solid foundation for your camera. A steady place to hold your camera makes it easier to take several pictures in a row without having to refocus and lets you take very close zoom pictures with minimum blurring or shaking.
  4. Truthful Garnish - Never garnish with something that is not an ingredient or would otherwise be misleading to the actual flavor of the dish. On the other hand using an ingredient that would otherwise be hard to identify in the dish as a garnish or side decoration actually helps people recognize the recipe. For example a cream of broccoli soup bowl with a broccoli stalk next to it is a good way to show the kind of soup in a single image.

