Stocking Your Pantry
- Small packages of things like instant mashed potatoes (I doctor them up with herbs, garlic and even sour cream) small packages of different types of noodles with sauce.
- Dehydrated potatoes; one cup is enough for both of us. There are so many flavors available, but frankly, they all taste the same. Good though when you are sitting under the trees in some campground.
- Flavored canned beans; (Tex-Mex, Caribbean black beans, etc. S&W makes a number of them.) Good as a side dish; can be added to soups or pastas; good base for a main dish salad with leftover chicken, salmon, etc.
- Small (8 ounce) cans of corn, peaches, etc. are perfect for two with no leftovers.
- Chili (canned) for lunches and/or dinners
- Barbeque sauce for grilling
- Parmesan cheese
- Fresh herbs
- Maple syrup (this works well also to brush on pork chops or chicken when grilling)
- Instant rice and potatoes
- Dried fruit
- Pita bread, it makes an excellent meal with hummus
- Rice cakes, add jam, peanut butter, hummus, cream cheese or dips
- Instnat soup cups
- Bagels
- Peanut butter and jelly
- Breakfast cereal bars
- Instant milk
- Canned chicken and tuna
- Evaporated milk