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Measurement Conversion Guide

Cathy Lea.
Some recipes make too much for us, some make too little. What happens when there is a need to make a recipe feed a different number of people?

Changing a recipe to make half or double is easy, but it is harder to make a different fraction less or more. Sometimes it gets tricky to get the measurements just right because the unit of measurement is hard to evenly divide or multiply. So I use the following guide to convert down to a smaller unit of measurement where the math is easier to get where I want.

U.S. Measurement Conversions
  • 3 teaspoons = 1 Tablespoon
  • 1.5 teaspoons = .5 Tablespoon
  • 4 Tablespoons = .25 cup
  • 8 Tablespoons = .5 cup
  • 12 Tablespoons = .75 cup
  • 16 Tablespoons = 1 cup
  • 1 cup = .5 pint
  • 2 cupt = 1 pint
  • 4 cups = 1 quart
  • 2 pints = 1 quart
  • 1 cup = 8 fluid ounces
  • 32 ounces = 1 quart
  • 2 quarts = .5 gallon
  • 4 quarts = 1 gallon
  • 16 ounces = 1 pound

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