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Egg In The Hole

Jim Sooter.
This is a creative way to combine cooking eggs and toast into one very RV friendly and easy to clean up cooking method. This single pan method works just as well over a campfire or camp stove as it does in the RV kitchen.

In a hot skillet put 1 slice of buttered bread. Cut a hole in the bread with a juice glass and remove the bread circle to the side of the pan. Break egg in the hole and cook flipping half way through to toast/cook the other side. I keep the bread circle in the pan right next to the bread to give me an easy way to peek at the under side so I know when the big slice of bread may be ready to turn. This keeps me from lifting the slice of bread and letting the egg run out under the toast as it cooks. If you like runny yolks you can cut into the egg as you serve it and put the toast circle standing up in the egg.

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