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Collecting Cookbooks

Cathy Lea.
I admit it, I am a certified cookbook addict. I own well over 300 cookbooks. I read them like novels, I drool over the pictures, and sometimes I actually cook something from them.

My favorite cookbooks are the ones I have picked up around the country on our travels. Visitor centers and museums, especially in the national parks, are the best places to find unusual regional cookbooks. Bookstores, of course, are another possibility. They will often have a section just for books on their region, especially if you are in a very touristy area like Charleston, SC.

The Junior League in most cities publishes a cookbook, I have found those to have some of the best recipes. Those women must have contests to see who can create the best recipe. You will find many recipes from their part of the country in their cookbooks. I have quite a collection of those also.

So, if you like to cook be sure to search out local cookbooks while you travel. They are small and easy to tuck away I a corner of the RV until you get home. Then you will have to find a place on your bookshelf, or possibly invest in a whole new bookcase just for your cookbooks. Whenever you wish you could be on the road but instead are stuck at home you can pull out a cookbook from whatever area of the country you are dream about and bring a little bit of the local flavor right into your own kitchen.

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