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A Wok In The Park!

Gregor Duncan.
I have camped, both RV and hiking all my life and the best all around camp cookware is the good old wok. Invented long ago by Asian nomads, whose cooking fuel left much to be desired, it was perfected for low heat camp cooking.

A good wok is low and wide to catch as much heat as possible with sloping sides to keep the food in the center, made from thin hammered steel to be lightweight, durable and transfer heat easily, takes to seasoning like a cast iron skillet in fact they're cared for exactly the same way, a lid which nestles inside the rim to keep moisture in and smoke and ashes out, and a ring to sit in the coals or on the stove, without crushing the coals or fire out. With a campfire I just pull some coals off to the side and place the ring over them to cook.

Indoors or out my wok always cooks level on the ring. It can fry, saute, bake, or boil. In my RV I hang it on the wall next to the stove. When hiking I invert the ring and lid inside a canvas cover and tie it on the outside of my pack, so it takes up no room at all. Try one yourself and you just might find that camp cooking can be a wok in the park.

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