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Lowcountry Shrimp and Grits

This is a common dish around Charleston, South Carolina. I do not even like grits, but with the shrimp and wonderful sauce on top they do not taste the same at all. If you really hate grits you could use rice instead, but it would not be as good, trust me. You can add more or less cayenne depending on how hot you like your food. As always, these amounts are just a suggestion, feel free to add or subtract to suit your taste.


 1/3 cup chopped onion
 1/3 cup chopped red bell pepper
 1/3 cup chopped green bell pepper
 1/2 cup flour
 1 cup shrimp, peeled and deveined
 vegetable or olive oil
 1 teaspoon garlic, chopped
 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
 salt and pepper to taste
 water as heeded
 2 Tablespoons sherry
 2 cups prepared grits


Prepare grits in a sauce pan according to package directions and add cayenne pepper when almost done. Cover and keep warm. In a sauté pan cook onions and peppers until soft then remove to a holding bowl. Add enough oil to cover the bottom of the sauté pan, heat until shimmering, while lightly tossing shrimp with flour in a plastic bag. When oil is hot, sauté shrimp until they start to turn pink. Add the garlic, salt and pepper and sautéed onion and pepper mixture to the sauté pan with a little water to de-glaze any brown bits of fond from the bottom. Keep stirring and adding water until the mixture is the thickness you like. It should be a little thinner than gravy. Add sherry to your taste. Pour over hot grits and serve.

Serves: ?
Onions Bell_Pepper Olive_Oil Grits Shrimp Stovetop

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You may notice that some of our recipes do not contain exact measurements for all ingredients. Cooking on the road is an art more than a science. We view each recipe as only a suggestion - a starting point for your own personal creativity.

We aren't usually dealing with food chemistry in these recipes since we aren't baking with leavening, etc., so feel free to use as much or as little of any suggested ingredient. Be creative and imaginative! Substitute the foods you like or have available for the ones in the recipes. And if you find something that turns out well for you, please share it with the rest of us.

