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Camper Kale Soup

I try to add some extra healthy choices to my diet when traveling in my RV to balance those times when I just want to pig out on stuff I know is bad for me. One way is adding dark leafy greens like kale. At first I had no clue what to do with kale because it was nothing like lettuce, but quickly discovered it is a whole lot more versatile than your average salad greens. Kale is stout enough to survive being boiled in soups, chopped in salads and even baked into a crispy snack. My current favorite way to eat kale is in soup. This recipe is just one example.

As always with any of my GoodRVfood recipes you can use convenience staples such as garlic powder and canned or packaged beef stock. I like the richness of concentrated beef stock. You can omit the potato and tomato, but they add extra flavor and texture if you happen to have them on hand. You could add other vegetables also. Like most of my soup recipes this is just a starting place. Use your pantry, refrigerator and imagination for guidance.


 3/4 pound kale, stems removed, finely chopped
 4 cups beef broth
 1 medium onion, minced
 1 clove of garlic, minced
 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
 2 Tablespoons butter
 1 teaspoon red wine vinegar
 salt and pepper to taste
-=[ Optional Items ]=- 1 russet potato, cubed (optional) 1 tomato, diced (optional)


In a soup pan melt butter and sauté onion until soft but not brown, add garlic and cook one additional minute. Add the cinnamon into the onion mixture and stir to evenly distribute. Add the kale tossing to coat well then add the beef stock. If you have a potato, add it now and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, about 20 minutes or when the potatoes is done and kale is tender. Add diced tomato and vinegar just before serving.

Serves: 2 to 4
Kale Potatoes Onions Garlic Tomatoes Stovetop

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Please tell us about your favorite recipe that can be prepared in a recreational vehicle kitchen.


You may notice that some of our recipes do not contain exact measurements for all ingredients. Cooking on the road is an art more than a science. We view each recipe as only a suggestion - a starting point for your own personal creativity.

We aren't usually dealing with food chemistry in these recipes since we aren't baking with leavening, etc., so feel free to use as much or as little of any suggested ingredient. Be creative and imaginative! Substitute the foods you like or have available for the ones in the recipes. And if you find something that turns out well for you, please share it with the rest of us.

